The Pensher Skytech ballistic window system has been developed to provide bullet resistance to standard windows that are able to open and close. This may be required in a gatehouse, reception area, or a high-profile office space. Ballistic windows can be made to the same requirements as standard windows, such as side-hinged or sliding.
Pensher Skytech’s ballistic windows are developed to meet the European Standard EN1522 and EN1063 for glazing. They are manufactured from steel profiles with state-of-the-art glass to provide the highest level of protection.
Our ballistic windows can be designed to FB6/BR6, one of the highest levels of ballistic resistance. We also meet other comparable standards such as NIJ (0108.01) and UL752. Due to our comprehensive manufacturing facilities and expertise in ballistics, we can also achieve STANAG levels on specific projects. We are happy to arrange for testing to be done where necessary.
Pensher Skytech manufacture their ballistic windows in-house using steel frames and welding the joints to ensure maximum security and longevity. Our ballistic windows can either be hinged or sliding depending on your needs and environment, and can also have single or double glazing.
We have a team of qualified engineers in accordance with the RSES (Register of Security Engineers and Specialists), who can measure ballistic levels in terms of performance and is justified through structural calculations.
Pensher Skytech uses specialist bullet-resistant glazing for their ballistic windows to ensure that the glass absorbs the energy of the bullet/projectile, thus preventing it from breaking through the glass.
The glass is manufactured from layers of glass with specialist interlayers weaved in-between to strict quality controls. Projectiles with enough speed can break glass, and create spall, which can be dangerous for anyone working near the window at the time of attack. We can therefore provide anti-spall glass for additional safety.
Pensher Skytech’s ballistic windows are ideal for environments at risk from ballistic or projectile attack at very high levels. Typical projects requiring ballistic windows are:
• Military sites
• Government establishments
• Any area susceptible to terrorist or criminal activity
• Densely populated areas
• Transport hubs
• Banks